The pricing and delivery presented with this document are based upon POWRMOD'S understanding of the buyer's requirements.
Breadboard, Brassboard, Prototype or Engineering Development units are to be used only for the intended application and are not covered by POWRMOD'S warranty.
POWRMOD'S prices are based on adherence to POWRMOD'S terms and conditions.
In case of conflict, the terms outlined in the POWRMOD quotation will take precedence.
If Customer asserts terms and conditions at variance with POWRMOD'S terms and conditions, customer agrees to pay an equitable adjustment for any added costs therefrom.
When specified in the customer's purchase order, acceptance test data is furnished with the applicable shipment. No other analyses, data, documentation, etc. are included in this quotation unless specifically noted. If additional work beyond the scope of the quotation is requested, it will be performed at POWRMOD'S then prevailing standard rates.
POWRMOD reserves the right of shipping and invoicing prior to the identified delivery schedules.
Any contract, subcontract, or purchase order accepted by POWRMOD must be finalized within 30 days from the date of turn-on or may be subject to a work stoppage until that contract, subcontract, or purchase order is finalized and fully funded.
POWRMOD'S acceptance of any order, which may result from this submission, is subject to no open invoices beyond 30 days at time of order placement/acknowledgement.
POWRMOD welcomes export sales we routinely apply for US Government authorization for shipment against customer furnished purchase order and end use statement before commencing work on order. Quoted lead time commences at order entry. Customer may request immediate commencement of work on order based upon customer's written acceptance of risk, compliance to terms outlined in quotation and any negotiated terms to support these arrangements.
FOR OPEN ACCOUNT CUSTOMERS: Terms are net 30 days from date of shipment; 1.5% per month finance charge on items over 45 days, and collection costs on amounts over 60 days.
(x) INSPECTIONS - CSI AND GSI, Pre-Cap Inspection, In-Process or other inspections which are to be performed by the Buyer or the Buyer's delegated representative must be funded on the purchase order. Charges will be quoted once inspection points are defined.
(x) In the event that shipping dates will be missed due to the unavailability of a customer source inspector within one week of POWRMOD'S request for customer source inspection to sell-off hardware, POWRMOD reserves the right to ship the hardware.
(x) All claims for money due shall not be subject to reduction or offset by the buyer by reason of any counter claim arising out of this or any other transaction with the seller.
(x) Prices are for hardware only; any additional lot testing is at additional cost.
(x) In the event that unforeseen piece part minimum lot quantities or testing charges are identified during the course of this quotation order cycle, POWRMOD reserves the right to submit supporting documentation and negotiate a mutually agreeable adjustment.
(x) Customer agrees that no debit memos will be issued with reference to units returned for evaluation and/or repair. If debit memos are issued, the customer will incur a minimum handling charge of $150 per debit memo. Any non-warranty units returned against a debit memo will be returned to the sender, without evaluation, at their expense.
In the event that any units are returned to POWRMOD without a valid Return Material Authorization Number (RMA), POWRMOD will return these units to the sender at their expense and invoice the sender a handling charge of $150 per lot.
This proposal is valid for 30 days.